Saturday, July 5, 2008

Preparing to Depart

Here we are, two days from our departure date - packed and ready to go! We thought we'd start this blog by telling you why we decided to take this big step.

Ever since we got married, four years ago, we decided to spend a significant amount of time experiencing another culture. We intended to spend two years somewhere in Europe. However, as we considered our dream further, we realized we could both experience another culture and serve people in great need.

We found that the Peace Corps offered the opportunity to accomplish our dreams. We have been invited to train in Niger, Africa - one of the poorest countries in the world. Joe will be working within the struggling education system, and Theresa will be working to raise awareness of community health issues. We will spend the next 3 months in training, learning about the language, culture, and beliefs of the people with whom we will work. After training, we will move into our community and begin our 2 years of service.

So after a lengthy application process and a lot of hopes and prayers, here we find ourselves-all our worldly possessions packed in a 10x10 storage room, and the rest strapped to our backs. We are excited, nervous, expectant, hopeful...everything you can imagine. We look forward to sharing our journey with you. It is yet unclear how often we will have access to internet, especially in the first 3 months, but we will keep you all updated as we are able.

Until revoir!